Jual " HAMMER TEST NJ 80 ( Korea) " Harga Berani Murah *. MEDIA TEKNOLOGI -> INDONESIA
call 081282325830
Concrete testing with original SCHMIDT Hammer is the most frequently
used method worldwide for non-destructive testing of concrete and
structural components. No other manufacturer offers such a wide range of
different types. Each hammer is designed for specific test applications.
HAMMER TEST NJ 80 ( Korea)
The Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test, cocok untuk pengawasan mutu cepat bekerja dengan beton
dibangun pada skala penunjuk dan grafik. Concrete Test Hammer Alat Untuk mengukur atau mengetahui kuat
tekan beton keras dengan cepat dan praktis. Biasa dipergunakan untuk pekerjaan Quality Control.
* Digunakan untuk pengukuran non-destruktif dari beton / adukan semen kekuatan tekan karakteristik
* Pengendalian mutu beton seragam ( in-situ dan prefabrikasi struktur beton)
* Deteksi titik-titik lemah dalam beton.
The Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test, suitable for rapid quality control of concrete work is built on a scale pointer and graphics. Concrete Test Hammer Tool To measure the compressive strength of concrete or hard to know quickly and practically. Commonly used for Quality Control of work. * Used for non-destructive measurement of concrete / mortar compressive strength of concrete characteristics * Quality control of the uniform (in-situ concrete and prefabricated structures) * Detection of weak spots in the concrete.
A. Hammer Name: NJ - 80
* Survey Type: N-type
Survey Methods: Violence Repulsion
* Survey Range: 100-600 kg/cm2
* Weight: 1.4 Kg
* Includes: Hammer, grinding wheels, tote bags, manual records
2. Hammer's Test Objectives
This test uses a hammer impact testing of concrete surfaces, and then surveys the repulsion force
3. Test Hammer's Principal
NJ-80 hammer tests of high quality, the method is very simple and easy to survey the development of violence.
Untuk informasi Harga terbaik dan Preview product, Hub:
Contact Person:
Dudi Ginanjar
E-mail : duniasurvei22@gmail.com
Situs Web : mediateknologi.net
Pesan Instan : 5D31E2C1
Ponsel : 081282325830
Telpon : 021-7341681
Faks : 021-7340676
Dikirim oleh :
Nama : Dudi Ginanjar
Kota : Jakarta
Telp/HP : 081282325830
Kategori : Alat kantor
Website : http://mediateknologi.net
Label :
Iklan Premium
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Jual " HAMMER TEST NJ 80 ( Korea) " Harga Berani Murah *
Senin, 09 Mei 2016
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